Refreshing Creamy Cabbage Salad
Are you looking for a super easy salad? Well I got one for you. This refreshing, creamy, and crunchy salad is a family favorite. We used to make this salad quite often with my family. The salad is great with any meal. Read on to learn how to make it. Thank you and enjoy!
What you need for the salad:
1/2 of a large cabbage
1 medium cucumber sliced
2 medium sized tomatoes diced
1/2 of a medium onion
1 tablespoon of parsley or dill
2 pinches of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
Start by slicing the cabbage very thin. Place into a bowl and use your hands to squeeze the cabbage slightly to soften it up a bit.
Slice up the cucumber and transfer it into the bowl. Also, slice up the tomato and transfer it into the bowl.
Dice up the onion and transfer it to the bowl. Season the salad, add in the parsley, and add the mayonnaise. Give it a good mix and it is ready to enjoy.

Enjoy! Thank you for visiting my blog!
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